Nicholas Wright Ceramic Sculpture
“Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us.” Roy Adzak 1977
A consignment of Chickens, Cocks and Birds from the Paris Studio/Museum of Nicholas Wright has arrived in the gallery waiting to be preened and photographed.
Why do I choose to sculpt cocks and birds?
“When you look in the eye of a cock, it's like looking into the eye of a dinosaur, an intelligence from another age, which will outlive us. Also for technical reasons. The cock with its incredible crest and tail feathers gives the imagination of the artist almost infinite possibilities. (From the baroque to the minimal)” Nicholas Wright.
Nicholas Wright is the nephew of Wright Royston Adzak the renowned British Sculptor, Photographer and Painter (1927-1988) Roy Adzak was born in Reading, Berkshire, UK.
Nicholas Wright commutes between his two studios located in Bristol and Paris. His Paris studio at the Atelier-musée Adzak 3 Rue Jonquoy 75014 Paris is the only Museum in Paris built by an english man Mr. Wright Royston Adzak
A very unique and beautiful Museum which has recently closed.
Visiting Nick Wright at his Bristol studio we find find him totally surrounded by an outstanding collection of his ceramic sculpture, many animals and birds chickens, wading birds, parrots, tortoises and more.
Nicholas Wright Sculpture work is collected Internationally and can be found in important Private and Corporate Collections.
Deborah The late Duchess of Devonshire.
Pierre Max Rosenberg, French Art Historian, Curator, Musee du Louvre,
Chase Manhattan
Mr & Mrs Keith Gibson
Modern Artists Gallery, Oxfordshire, Spike Island Bristol
Nicholas Wright Sculptor Born 1956 Birmingham, England.
Gloucester College of Art - Degree in Fine Arts
Exhibition: Royal Academy Summer Show, London
Government Ceramics Award to work and travel in Tbilissi, Georgia
Works and exhibits: Atelier-musée Adzak Paris., Modern Artists Gallery Whitchurch on Thames Oxfordshire, Spike Island, Bristol,
'I spend half of the year in Bristol and half in Paris, in the former workshop of my uncle, sculptor-photographer Roy Adzak. I like working as he did in the open air of the garden planted by him in the cement courtyard of the oldest house of the Rue Jonquoy. As a child I often saw Roy working in the same courtyard. The simplicity of his basic life influenced me as did his love of travel and of Nature.
I love the sea, the mountains and old towns... I often travel to the High Alps, Mont Blanc and Mont Pilât and in springtime will make a second trip to the Himalayas, this time to the Hunza Region.I first started the wall pieces in the mid 1990's. Before I went to Georgia I made a rough copy of a Scythian piece of metal work. The Scythians were horseman and metal workers on the Steppes north of the Caucasus mountains during Greek times.The Scythian metal work is highly stylised. I have not so much copied stylisation but taken the pierced form. Over the time I have incorporated my drawings into the pieces.
Nicholas Wright: Sculptures en Céramique
Né en 1956 à Birmingham, Angleterre.
Gloucester College of Art - Licence en Beaux Arts
Exposition au Royal Académie Summer Show Londres.
Bourse en céramique pour voyager, travailler et exposer à Tbilissi, en Georgie.
Travaille et expose à Paris et à Spike Island, Bristol, Angleterre. /Modern Artists Gallery Reading, Angleterre
"Que-ce-qu'un coq? Il nous regarde avec son oeil de dinosaure, boule de feu parée de mille éclats de coloris foudroyants. Intelligent il survivra à notre espèce.
Je passe la moitié de mon temps à Bristol et à Paris dans l'atelier de mon oncle, feu Roy Adzak... j'adore travailler en plein air, surtout dans la cour et le petit jardinet planté par mon oncle à la Rue Jonquoy... j'aime la mer et la montagne et les vieilles villes... les Hautes Alpes, le mont Pilât. Je suis très influencé par le simplicité de vie de mon oncle, sa passion pour les voyages et la nature.
Étant enfant, je venais très souvent à Paris regarder travailler Roy Adzak dans la même cour."
Nicholas Wright: Keramik-Skulpturen
Geboren 1956 in Birmingham, England
Gloucester College of Art - Diplom in Bildender Kunst
Ausstellung an der Royal Academie Summer Show in London
Stipendium fuer Keramik, fuer Reise, Arbeit und Ausstellung in Tbilissi.
Arbeitet und stellt in Paris und in Spike Island, Bristol, England, Modern Artists Gallery UK.
"Was ist ein Hahn? Er betrachtet uns mit seinem Saurierauge, einer Feuerkugel, die in tausend Splitter leuchtender Farben geteilt ist. Er ist intelligent und wird unsere Spezies überleben.
Ich verbringe jeweils die halbe Zeit in Bristol und in Paris, im Atelier meines Onkels, des verstorbenen Roy Adzak... Ich geniesse es, im Freien zu arbeten, besonders im kleinen Garten, den mein Onkel in der Rue Jonqoy gepflanzt hat... Ich liebe das Meer, die Berge und die alten Städte ... die Hautes Alpes und den Mont Pilât.Ich wurde stark beeiflusst von der Einfachheit des Lebens meines Onkels, seiner Passion fuer das Reisen und die Natur.
Als Kind kam ich sehr oft nach Paris und schaute meinem Onkel beim Arbeiten im selben Garten zu."