Jana Müller
Title: Dame Vivienne Westwood 'I didn't get to meet her'
Title: ‘Dame Vivienne Westwood and Andreas Kronthaler’
Sensational Paintings by Jana Müller - With permission to paint from the original photoshoot by Juergen Teller
FAREWELL VIVIENNE WESTWOOD: April 2024. Please note this exhibition has ended. All enquiries REGARDING the artist Janna Müller or /Marth Hugo-Mill Portraits - please contact the gallery.
Education since 2007:
Freelance Artist 2002 -2007.
Freeland Fashion Designer 1993-1996
Study in Scenic Painting (diploma) University of Fine Arts Dresdnev, Graphic Designer at the advertising agency COLLOSEUM Design, Dresden.1997-98.
Study Fashion Design FHTW Berlin and Acaemy of Fine Arts and Design
2024: Invitation to Knokke Art Fair, Grand Casino Belgium
2023: Group Exhibition Gallery Artbox.Project, Spectrum Miami & Red Dot Miami, USA./Group Exhibition Online,Artio Gallery, Global Horizons VI./
2022: Group Exhibition “Dresden Zimmer” Schloss Pillnitz, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD)
2022: Theatre Hagen, Produktion Fanciulla.
2022: Festival of Lights Berlin, one of the 35 main acts,Installation “Urban Nature”
2021: Painting for Special Exhibition TAT(W)ORT, Stiftung, Luthergedenkstatten Wittenberg
2019: Painting for an installation by the artist Sebastian Hempel, Fraunhofer Institut. IIS/EAS Dresden
2019: Painting for the exhibition ‘Das verlorene sachsische Rokoko, Schloss Hubertusburg, Saatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD)
For further information please contact the gallery.